Programme Sparks

In 2018 we are challenging Sections across the County to complete 100 activities. We have provided a Spark for each activity which can be adapted to suit all Sections. The list of the 100 Programme Sparks and their details are available below.

Some of the Sparks are specific challenges to complete, whilst others are a starting point to Spark your Section’s imagination. 

Each Group will receive a poster to display in their meeting place with the 100 Programme Sparks on and to keep track of the challenges they complete. The small boxes underneath each Spark is the place to record your progress. You could the colour boxes in, initial with your Section name or use colour coded stickers. Whatever you choose, be sure to share photos of your poster as you fill up the boxes throughout the year.

You'll note that on the poster, the Sparks are divided into 4 colours. Each one represents a season and the suggested time of year to complete that Spark. However, please complete them at any time of the year and in any order that suits your Section best. 

Any Section that completes more than 50 of the Sparks will be able to wear a badge on their uniform, showing their participation.  The badges can now be ordered through this link:

We want to see pictures and videos of the Sparks that you complete, so be sure to tag us in any that you share online, using  #programmesparks or #PS47 (the number of the spark).

We hope you’ll rise to the challenge!

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