Cluster Training Day

Sunday, 8th October 2017

Adult Training Day covering modules from the adult training scheme.

Refreshments will be provided throughout the day. Candidates are welcome to book individual modules and do not have to stay for the full day if they do not wish to do so. Packed lunches will be required for those attending over the lunch period.

Leaders are welcome to stay overnight on the Saturday if they wish. There will not be any formal training in the evening, but this will allow valuable networking time and an opportunity to share ideas between each other.

  • 10 - First Aid (am/pm)

Modules Covered

10 First Aid

To cover the skills and knowledge necessary to enable adults to manage an incident and provide basic First aid.

Training Booking Form

Cluster Training Day

Modules Attending

Your Details

Your Scouting Details

Your Needs

Your Emergency Contact

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