
Bags of Help from Tesco

Tesco Bags of Help Logo.JPG

Humberside Scout Council and Raywell Park activity Centre have recently taken part in the Tesco Bags of help scheme where charities all over the country have been awarded grants out of the Bags of help scheme. Following a vote by the local community at Tesco stores in Withernsea, Kirkella and Boothferry, Humberside Scout Council was successful in being awarded a grant of £10,000  towards the cost of a new toilet block at the Raywell park activity centre.

Raywell park is the main county campsite and is regularly used by young people from age 6 to 25  from all over the county for camping, activities and training. The new Toilet block will upgrade the outdoor facilities on the site and will be used by all sections within Scouting and beyond.  This new facility is part of an ongoing programme of improvements at Raywell Park which recently included the opening of the Nyeri Centre which provides indoor accommodation for 40 young people and the planned enhancement of the climbing wall in readiness for the Cub 100 camp at the end of May

This Tesco grant allows us to continue our investment in the site as part of our continuous improvement programme and we would like to thank all those who voted for us in Tesco stores

Ian Birkinshaw - Chairman

Humberside Scout Council 

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